A distinguished hydrologist HRS routinely works with once stated “…hydrology is modeling.” The essence of this statement is that hydrology combines scientific and engineering disciplines firmly founded in measurable and predictable quantities such as water pressures and flow rates.
Solving Our Clients’ Problems
HRS routinely uses the most current mathematical models and state-of-the art modeling software to help solve our clients’ problems, when the need for quantitative analysis arises. For example, we use mathematical models such as MODFLOW to simulate hydrologic systems with complex groundwater-surface water interactions and PHREEQC to simulate complex water-rock interactions and other geochemical problems. We also use a variety of mathematical models to simulate the fate, transport, and remediation of dissolved- and NAPL-phase chemicals in groundwater.
Reliable and Useful Modeling
HRS’ hydrologic models are reliable and useful because they are built on sound physical and chemical concepts, incorporate empirical data, simulate relevant physical-chemical processes, and test the proper hypotheses dictated by the problem at hand. HRS has successfully defended its hydrologic models in public meetings, regulatory compliance frameworks, and courts of law. HRS’ hydrologic modeling staff has over 80 years of combined experience in creating timely, useful, and legally defensible groundwater models. HRS maintains in-house databases and accesses online databases containing values such as well location, precipitation records, historic water levels, ground surface elevations, and land use, etc., that are often used in creating a model; these databases speed the construction of model input, providing for a more cost-effective modeling solution.